Everything starts somewhere – Pillar 1

Everything starts somewhere – Pillar 1

The first place change has to happen is in the mind. I know, I know, you’ve heard it a million times. Gratitude blah blah blah….

Here’s where things are a bit different from what you’re used to. In order to have gratitude, you need to be able to be thankful. That’s not always going to happen. Some of us get into such a dark swamp that we don’t have the energy to be thankful. But we can see or hear something and feel that twinge of “that’s kind of ok.” We’re not thankful for it, we can just see that it’s not a bad thing and accept it. THAT is where some of us begin.

Pillar 1 is all about learning to recognize the not so icky thing and acknowledging them enough to write them down. No matter how small it seems (Oh look, flowers are blooming) it’s worth the acknowledgment. Why do we start here?

Gratitude Journal – Where it Begins

Samantha Laycock expressed Pillar one perfectly in her blog recapping her experience of the first week of the course.

The smallest moment can create the biggest change. That is what gratitude is all about. No that doesn’t mean that every day is happy or stress-free. It means that I can look at my harder days and know what I am truly blessed to have in my life.

Mindset comes first. It helps to rewire the brain and change becomes easier. Change that will help you to create the love for yourself that you have always craved. You don’t crave to lose weight. You don’t crave to find love. Deep down you are craving to love who you are at this moment. Gratitude helps that craving. It fills the need that you have to be loved and to love who you are. Self-love is the most powerful love of all.

No one can get us out of our own ugly thoughts except ourselves. We can’t make lasting changes in our life on ANY capacity unless our head is in the right place to accept the new ways.

Have you ever tried losing weight just to say F* IT as soon as you see that yummy bad stuff? Or SWORE you were going to start getting up early to do that workout to quit before the end of the week because you’re too tired? How about setting up a financial plan when you kind of want to get it all together, but also don’t want to make adjustments?

Yup. We have all been there, done that. The beauty part about the course is you’re not going at it alone without support. Accountability and teamwork are a big part of the process. Yes, you can try to go solo using the guide book. But it is better to meet your new best friends. As Samantha says,

“I now have an accountability partner because she is there, cheering me on.”

Reach out today and let’s talk about if The Pillars of Transformation is right for you. In the mean time, check out Samantha’s inspiring recap of week one.